Easing the Transition

Steps to help ease your and your child's transition to a new care provider.


We get it… leaving your child in a new environment can be stressful (and we’re not talking just for the child), especially given the fact that the pandemic has deprived our children of so many opportunities for socialization. Whether it is your first time to ever leave your child or simply a new routine to introduce, we are here to offer a few tips to help ease the transition to a new childcare arrangement for both you and your child! 


1. Schedule an introductory call or trial playdate prior to the main event. 

Get to know your care provider and ask her how she plans to help ease the stress of a drop-off for your child. Pass along any proven tactics that have worked with your child in the past. Share your child’s interests and hobbies so she is prepared for his visit and can distract him when it is time for you to leave. 

2. Prepare your child.

In the days leading up to the start of care, refer to your care provider and her child/children (if using June Care) by name which helps to get your child excited about meeting new friends. If available, show pictures of your care provider and her family and talk to your child about all the fun things that will happen when Mommy leave for a shirt time. By giving your child a sense of predictability, you are helping to prepare them for the day and ease any stress of the unknown.


3. Bring a piece of home.

It is natural for a child to be nervous when being introduced to a new experience. Be sure to send any favorite security items with your child on their first day of their new care.  Whether it be their favorite lovey, water bottle, a special toy, or all the above, having a familiar item that stays with them can help them feel safe in a new environment. 

4. And finally, get excited!

Whatever the reason may be for choosing a new care provider, like June Care, we all need a little break from our daily routine. Children can sense our emotions, so if you are nervous about leaving your child then think of ways you can ease your own nerves. Connect with your care provider to answer any lingering questions you might have and let her know that you would love pictures or videos sent throughout the day. There might be tears at drop-off, but rest assured that you have done your best to find a loving environment for your child where they will be safe and have a wonderful time.

Tessa Kotch

Tessa Kotch has been matching families with care providers for over 15 years and now is the head of customer success at June Care, a community-based approach to childcare. June Care connects parents who need childcare with qualified host parents who can care for their kids. It's free to sign-up and see your matches at www.junecare.co.


Finding Your Village


Tips from Tessa