Creating the Ultimate Summer Bucket List for Kids: Fun and Creative Ideas for Moms!

Summer is here, and with it comes endless possibilities for fun and adventure with your little ones. Whether you have a newborn, toddler or preschooler, there's something magical about making memories during these warm, sunny months. But let’s face it, sometimes we need a little inspiration to keep the excitement going and fill those long summer days. That’s where the summer bucket list comes in!

Ready to create one that will keep your kiddos entertained and make you the coolest mom ever? Let’s do this!


1. Zoo Day

Who doesn't love a day at the zoo? Pack some snacks, grab your sun hats, and head out for a wild adventure. The kids will love seeing their favorite animals up close, and you’ll love the family bonding time.

2. Beach Play Date

Sandcastles, waves, and endless fun! A beach day is perfect for getting the kids out in nature. Collect seashells, build sand castles and jump the waves to create lasting summer memories, Don’t forget the sunscreen and a big umbrella for shade breaks.

3. Sidewalk Chalk Scenes

Transform your driveway into a masterpiece with sidewalk chalk. Create hopscotch games, draw colorful murals, or even design a fun obstacle course.

4. Flying Kites

There's something magical about flying a kite. Head to a local park with a gentle breeze and let your kites soar. It's a simple pleasure that is low cost and will entertain kids of all ages.

5. Start a Garden

Get those little hands dirty and plant a garden together. Whether it’s flowers, fruits, or veggies, gardening is a great way to teach kids about nature and they get the reward when their garden blooms.


6. Make Lemonade

A classic summer activity! Set up a lemonade stand or simply enjoy making and drinking it together. Add a fun twist with different fruit flavors.

7. Aquarium Adventure

Explore all the creatures of the sea without getting wet! Aquariums are fascinating for kids of all ages, and you’ll enjoy the cool, air-conditioned environment. Perfect for those hot summer days!

8. Hike

Take a family hike and explore nature. Find a kid-friendly trail, pack some water and snacks, and enjoy the great outdoors. Don’t forget to look for interesting plants and wildlife!

9. Pool Day

Beat the heat with a pool day. Whether it’s your backyard pool or a community pool, swimming is a great way to have fun and stay cool.

10. Paint Rocks

Collect some smooth rocks and let the kids’ creativity run wild! They can use paint, or markers for less mess. Hand deliver them to neighbors or decorate the neighborhood with their new works of art.


11. Picnic

Pack a delicious lunch and head to your favorite park for a picnic. Bring a blanket, some toys, and enjoy a relaxing day outdoors.

12. Tie-Dye

There are many tie-dye kits you can buy at your local Michaels, Target or craft store. T-shirts, socks, or even pillowcases can be transformed into colorful works of art.

13. S'mores

No summer is complete without making s’mores. If you don’t have a fire pit, head to a local beach or plan an overnight camping trip to make this yummy treat with your littles.

14. Sensory Bin

Create a sensory bin with items like rice, beans, or sand. Add small toys, scoops, and containers for hours of imaginative play, perfect for younger kids.

15. Bowling

Take a break from the heat with a family bowling night. Most bowling alleys offer bumper lanes for kids, making it fun for everyone.


16. Make Your Own Pizza Night

Get creative in the kitchen with a pizza-making night. Let each family member choose their toppings and create their own mini pizzas.

17. Mini Golfing

A little friendly competition never hurt anyone! Mini golfing is a fun and way to spend an afternoon outdoors.

18. Museum

Visit a local museum for a bit of educational fun. Many museums have interactive exhibits that are perfect for kids or you can try your local children’s museum.

19. Scavenger Hunt

Plan a scavenger hunt in your backyard or a local park. Make a list of items to find and let the adventure begin!

20. Make Slime / Playdoh

Get messy with some homemade slime or playdoh. It’s a fun activity that kids of all ages love.


Remember, the best part about these activities is spending quality time together and making lasting memories.

And if you need to tag in another mom, you can schedule playdates through June Care and our hosts can give you a much needed break while your kids enjoy adventures with new friends.

Together, we’ve got this! Now, grab your calendar, start planning, and get ready for the best summer ever!

Nicole Cox

Nicole Cox is Head of Marketing and Communications for and mom of two.


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